Naturheilpraxis Berlin Potsdamer Platz für klassische Heilverfahren und Psychotherapie Naturopathy Practice Berlin Potsdamer Platz for Classic Therapies and Psychotherapy

Kerstin Reinhardt

Natural healing practitioner

Practice Opening

In January 2007, I opened additional natural healing practices for classic therapies and psychotherapy in Potdsamer Platz and Rangsdorf. Regular professional training gives me the opportunity to gain a deeper perspective of physical and mental exercises and realise their many healing possibilities.

Former Activities

Before starting my business, I cared for people and businesses in the HR field. My involvement in the field of professional and managerial staffing was an important milestone in my career and the experience gave me the idea for my business.


  • Alternative healing (according to the Medical Practitioners Act)
  • Psychotherapy (according to the Medical Practitioners Act)
  • Dorn spinal column therapy
  • Acupuncture, ear acupuncture, moxibustion, pulse diagnosis in the traditional Chinese medical tradition
  • Cupping and medical leech therapy, bloodletting, Schiele hydrotherapy
  • Chiropractic
  • Bioresonance therapy
  • Kinesiology
  • Neural therapy
  • Medicine in the tradition of Hildegard von Bingen
  • Behavioural therapy, speech therapy, guided affective imagery, coaching, life and success coaching
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Classic massages, foot reflexology massages, Ayurveda massages, manual lymphatic drainage
  • Breuss massage, honey massage, herbal stamp massage
  • Iridology
  • Back therapy training

My Spiritual Journey

Since 1992, I have been attending workshops, training sessions, and seminars on personal development. In recent years, for instance, I travelled to Nepal to learn about the country's shamanic traditions.

Since 2021, I have been regularly attending workshops with Alberto Villoldo, a psychologist and medical anthropologist who also works as a shaman. Under his guidance, I have trained as an energy medicine practitioner, among other things.

Thanks to my many years of professional experience as a naturopath, combined with my psychological and shamanic knowledge, I am able to incorporate body, mind, and soul into my treatments.

My further training:

  • Energy medicine practitioner according to Alberto Villoldo
  • Recognising the dark side "Healing often the dark side" with Alberto Villoldo
  • Pure love "Munay Ki" with Marcela Lobos
  • Shamanic workshops in Nepal with Mohan Rai and other shamans in the Himalayas
  • Causal trainer according to Kurt Tepperwein
  • Life and success counsellor according to Peter Breidenbach
  • "Inner Clearing" with Peter Breidenbach
  • Success counsellor according to Dieter Weiner
    and much more.
Kerstin Reinhardt
© 2024 Kerstin Reinhardt & Team | Naturopathy Practice for Classical Healing Therapies and Psychotherapy at Berlin · Am Potsdamer Platz · Alte Potsdamer Str. 11 · 10785 Berlin